Feral Cat

Trap Rental Program

Feral cats are both a community problem and a community solution. If you are interested in being a part of the solution through Trap-Neuter-Return, but don't have the necessary tools, Women's Animal Center can help.

Through our Trap Rental Program, colony trappers and caretakers in our community can rent humane traps for a fee of $25. A credit card and valid driver's license is required to check out equipment, as well as a $75 deposit fee, which will be refunded in full when the trap is returned in its original condition.

To rent a trap, simply stop by Women's Animal Center during our Shelter Hours of Operation as noted below. Please keep in mind when planning your trap rental that Women's Animal Center performs surgeries on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays only. Feral cats are spayed or neutered, vaccinated and eartipped at no cost to trappers. We ask for 24 hours advance notice of incoming Trap-Neuter-Return surgeries.

Trapping Tips and Tricks

Humane traps are safe for the people using them and for the cats they trap, while also providing easy access for our veterinary technicians to both anesthetize feral cats pre-surgery without having to handle them, and to safely monitor them following their spay or neuter. 

The key to using the traps is to bait them with food that will entice the cats. Sardines, human-grade tuna, salmon, or anything with a strong smell will help draw cats from their hiding spots. Some cats are accustomed to simple wet and dry cat food, so we recommend having some of that on hand as well.

While you are waiting for your traps to do their job, stay within close proximity so that once a cat is trapped, you can move him or her to a safe area. Cats in traps are vulnerable to wandering animals, exposure to the elements and vehicles. Additionally, other animals you might accidentally catch, like raccoons or opossums, are likely to harm themselves in an attempt to escape. Once you have the cat in a trap, cover it with a blanket or towel to reduce stress during transport to Women's Animal Center.

Trapper's Toolkit

In addition to humane traps, Women's Animal Center recommends adding these following items to your toolkit to safely and successfully trap the feral cats in your community:

  • Trap covers such as blankets or towels which are large enough to cover the full trap
  • Thick gloves
  • Newspaper to line traps
  • Food bait
  • Utensils to scoop out food
  • Paper towels
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Plastic liner or trash bags to place under traps during transport in case of accidents
  • Bungee cords to secure traps during transport