Women's Animal Center RHDV Rabbit Vaccine Clinic. Saturday, December 14th, 2024. Please call at 215-750-5252 to make an appointment.

RHDV2 Rabbit Vaccine Clinic

Women's Animal Center Veterinary Hospital is hosting an RHDV rabbit vaccination clinic on Saturday, December 14th! 

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) is a form of hepatitis in rabbits and hares that is fatal in the majority of cases. There is no cure, but there is a preventative vaccination.

This clinic is by appointment only. Please call our veterinary hospital at 215-750-5252 to make an appointment. This vaccine is available at limited times and is recommended once per year, so make your appointment today to guarantee your slot!

For more information about RHDV2 in rabbits, please see the following resources:

