150th Anniversary

Celebrating 150 Years as America's First Animal Shelter, 1869-2019

On April 14, 1869, Women’s Animal Center was established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as America’s First Animal Shelter. Accordingly, this date in 2019 will not only mark our origins, but the 150th Anniversary of animal sheltering and adoptions in the United States, offering the chance for pet lovers near and far to reflect upon the billions of lives that have been saved across the nation since our inception.

Throughout 2019, Women's Animal Center will be celebrating this extraordinary milestone with a series of special projects, events and dedications across the Greater Philadelphia region and across America, including our Animal Shelter National Day of Service.

We know that the past 150 years would not have been possible without so many dedicated generations of partners, advocates and adopters, and we hope you will join us in celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime anniversary, as we celebrate you!

Learn more about the remarkable history of Women's Animal Center.

Become a part of history with a lifesaving gift to our 150th Anniversary Campaign for Shelter Animals.

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