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Wolf & Gus

I don’t even know for sure why Wolf’s story appeared on my social media feed, since I’m in South Carolina and he was in Philadelphia. In fact, I was at a conference for my employer in Florida when I first saw him.

A few months earlier, I lost my cat Merlin, who was with me for eighteen years—all his life. I wasn’t sure about getting another cat. But after I read Wolf’s story—abandoned by his family at ten years old, left behind following several adoption events, always watching the shelter door for the person who wouldn’t leave him behind—I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

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I knew I had to be the person who wouldn’t leave him behind.

So, the very day after the conference in Florida ended and I returned to Myrtle Beach, I left again to make the drive to Philadelphia.

I strongly believe animals understand much more than many people give them credit for. As soon as I met Wolf at the shelter, I believe we both knew we would be happy together. I picked Wolf up, and he clung to me right away, sinking his claws right into my shoulder so I physically couldn’t leave him behind. Not that I had any intention of leaving without him.

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The process itself was quick and easy, and the best part was the enthusiasm demonstrated by the shelter staff. They seemed so happy for both of us. Before we left, they made sure Wolf was up to date on his health exams and flea treatment. They even gave us some water and snacks for the long drive home—which ended up being a bonding experience for us as we braved storms and traffic, listened to audio books and Last Podcast on the Left, and stopped at McDonald’s so Wolf could have a cheeseburger and I could stay caffeinated.

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Instead of making himself scarce when we finally got home, Wolf took his place on the bed and has been there ever since—at least when he’s not enjoying soaking up some sun on the screened-in porch or going for a walk on his harness. Any day now, I’m going to see what he thinks of the beautiful Atlantic Ocean.

He’s a very happy little fellow, always purring. I work mainly from home as an author, editor, and artist, and he always finds a way to help. He really seems to like paper, both to sleep on and to chew. He certainly came to the right place. And I have no doubt he knows he’s here to stay.

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I’m so happy to have Wolf in my life. I’ll never regret that long drive, and everyone at the shelter was so wonderfully helpful and kind. In fact, they keep in touch through social media to see how Wolf is doing, and it always makes me feel good to read their positive comments. I’m looking forward to many happy years with Wolf. We have a lot of adventures ahead of us.

- Gus Li, Wolf's Adoptive Dad